All in KiwiSaver

90. Revisit with Bradie and Paul: The First Year of Early Retirement


I’m particularly excited about today’s podcast because it is a revisit episode with Bradie and Paul. The elevator pitch for them is that they felt they were drowning in debt just seven short years ago, and now they have just completed their first year of early retirement! Today, I’m really happy to give you an update on a story that keeps getting better over time. 

84. Early Retirement: But still working stuff out.


Today, I have the pleasure of sharing the story behind how Tony and his wife Karen came to create a net worth of $2.8 million and retire aged 49 and 54, respectively. They own one home and have a large retirement fund which they built from always investing a portion of their take-home pay from their 20+ year careers in the New Zealand Police. There are still many unknowns as they try to work out how to structure their money to support them during their long and adventurous retirement.

74. Interesting things happen to interesting people.


This week I’m sharing the story of Ayana, a woman who sure does have a zest for life. However, life keeps throwing her curve balls, and she has to keep adjusting course. She takes life by the horns, and because she is thinking clearly about money, she can embrace each new change instead of being crippled by it. I loved this conversation; I think you will too.

67. How to Use Your Nest Egg in Retirement


Zoe emailed me a question, which I answered, but what got me interested was how financially assured this recently retired woman from Christchurch was as she actually begins to live off New Zealand superannuation plus the investments she has built up. The thing was, she only really started to pay attention to her pūtea (money) when she was in her late 50s, proving that it’s never too late to take control of your finances.

61. Revisit with Bella: I don’t want a student debt hangover!


In today’s podcast, I’m doing a revisit with Bella from Episode 52. She shared the realities of student loan debt in New Zealand and how you can meander your way into student loan debt, but you need to fight your way out again. Bella has not been idle, smashing out $66,000 of her $85,000 debt in just 14 months. Yep, you read that right. If she can do it, so can you!

56. House Rich, Cash Poor


By working hard and being at the right place at the right time, Fatima had managed to buy several properties but there was a tipping point one day when she found herself seriously short on cash and having to borrow money from whanau. Fatima is not one to muck around, so she decided to implement some change and reintroduce some balance into her life.

51. Family first, live within your means, always have an emergency fund.


Aria and her husband Dave didn’t grow up with much so once they got together they knew they didn’t want to live paycheque to paycheque. When asked what financial independence means to them they said it means “we don’t have to worry about money” and that is a sentiment that they want for everyone.