All in Saving

How We Pay Cash for Every Holiday

In January 2025, we boarded an eight-night South Pacific cruise. Today, I’m sharing our exact costs and how we paid cash for this holiday and every holiday we will take in the future. This blog post is not to convince you to book a cruise but to show you that if you have a holiday in mind that you want to take, I can help you make sure you have the money to pay for it. Travel is expensive, so it's essential to plan well in advance.

How Our Daughter Will Pay Cash for University

Our daughter will likely attend University or Polytech in 2026. She still has to complete Year 13 in 2025, but after that, she has some decisions to make as she attempts to answer the dreaded and most commonly asked question, “What do you want to do when you finish school?” Going into further study is not a foregone conclusion, but it is certainly an option. As we spend the next year trying to help her decide what comes next, we will also take the time to help her (and us) financially prepare. She has no firm plans as to what she might do, but money comes in handy, that much I know. We want her to pay to study using cash. I’ve met too many ex-students who regret their student loans. Given we all know this cost is coming, we can save for it. 

8th Anniversary Giveaway: Guess the Piggy Bank Total!

I'm hosting a giveaway to celebrate The Happy Saver’s 8th Anniversary. This isn't just any ordinary giveaway. With her creative flair, my daughter made a paper mache piggy bank way back in 2021. It’s taken three long years of her diligently filling it up, and now it’s time to break it open and see just how much she’s saved. To enter to win one of the prizes, take a wild guess at the total amount inside the piggy bank.

Jonny makes more money working for someone else!

This is an update on my blog post: We now work just two days a week! In the previous blog post, I talked about Jonny transitioning from being self-employed to working for someone else. In 2022, Jonny and I wrestled with the concept of him going to work for someone else as an employee. Given that many New Zealanders work for themselves or desire to, there is the misconception that you make more money and have more freedom when you work for yourself, and while this can certainly be true, it is not always the case

Paying in advance is a far more relaxing way to travel!

I wanted to share the exact costs of a holiday we took in January of this year when we went to Australia and took our first-ever cruise. I went in hugely sceptical of cruising, but I absolutely loved it. We holiday differently from some: Our holiday is fully paid for before we leave. Paying in advance is a far more relaxing way to travel, indeed, the ONLY way to travel, in my opinion.

Know the Retirement Savings Statistics and Then Beat Them

This week's blog post got started because I received a random Instagram message from KiwiSaver provider kōura asking me to sign a petition they have launched. Although I chose not to sign the petition, reading it did get me thinking about the gap in retirement savings between men and women and that tinkering with KiwiSaver legislation won’t really address two of the critical findings of an earlier report from the Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission.

How to Take a Year Off and Not Starve

This week, there is intense talk about Jonny's career in our home. It has been a topic of discussion for some time now, but things are hotting up! I am encouraging him to make 2023 a “work optional” year. This blog post is not just about Jonny, though, I have a close friend contemplating the same thing, and I’ve spoken with many people of various ages and stages of life on my Phone A Friend calls who are considering a grown-up gap year too.

What is my saving and investing rate?

Recently, a question came in via email asking, “how do you calculate your savings rate, please, Ruth?”. I thought it was a question worth elaborating on with a blog post. First up, why even take the time to work out how much you are saving? Put simply, the higher your savings rate, the faster you will have saved up enough money to retire or make going to work entirely optional.