All in Index Funds

How much money do I need to have invested at 65?

It may be because my ears are finely tuned to anything money-related, but there seems to be increasing talk of saving for retirement. More specifically, people are not investing enough for retirement. Organisations are panicking on our behalf as they watch Kiwis nonchalantly wander their way to retirement, in many cases hopelessly unprepared, having barely given the financial side of stopping work a thought. I’m well ahead of the game here, as I’ve been thinking about—and financially planning for—our eventual retirement for years. I have a question for you. If you woke up tomorrow and found you were now 65 and would receive government superannuation but no longer worked, as your financial situation stands today, could you survive financially?

Hedged vs. Unhedged Investments: Which One Should You Choose?

Question: Ruth, could you help me understand how to choose hedged or unhedged when investing? This is one of the most frequently asked questions I receive. Investing can be confusing. Not only do you have to consider fund provider, fund choice, and fees, but I often hear from people who come unstuck when they also have the option to choose between selecting “hedged” or “unhedged” for some investment types. Warning: This blog will be boring, brief, but essential.

Why I Changed KiwiSaver Providers

Over the last six months, I’ve had the dawning awareness that it was time to take a deep dive into my KiwiSaver fund. From everything I’ve read and watched, and from the people around me who know about KiwiSaver and investing in general, it was becoming clear that my Simplicity High Growth KiwiSaver fund might have got me to this stage in life, but it's not appropriate for the next chapter. 

Your emails keep me busy, and I’ve picked a few to share with you.

My inbox is cluttered with hundreds of different threads of conversations, which in turn means I struggled to find a true focus for a blog post this week. But I often think I’m receiving and sending out some real wisdom, and it's a shame it never reaches a broader audience. So, today, I’ve scrolled back through my inbox from the last week or two and pulled out a few threads from some emails I’ve received.

We Invest Using the Share Market, Not Property

This week, I wanted to show how our US 500 ETF investment is tracking, especially now that this is our only one. And explain how we will use it to provide income for retirement. I also have a quick update on our KiwiSaver. I mainly wanted to share this because investing in KiwiSaver and an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) provides an alternative to investing in rental property, something we have never wanted to do. This blog explains how Jonny and I invest, that investing this way grows our wealth, and how we see our investments providing us with long-term, easily accessible income.

Imputation Credits = Tax Savings!

I’ve got a super short blog post for you this week where I am answering a question that is often asked: What is an imputation credit? If you are a share investor (including ETFs), you will pay tax at your personal tax rate on any dividend income that you receive. You must also be aware of any tax credits available to you due to your dividend income. These are called Imputation Credits, and you can use them to reduce the overall income tax you pay.

Investing Is Not Black and White

It’s standard for me to get at least one blunt email saying I’m wrong about a financial decision or purchase I’ve made on behalf of my whānau. Generally, the reasoning given will be based on one aspect, often a technical math issue, ignoring all the other points I mentioned. I used to panic that they might be right and that I might have this money stuff entirely and utterly wrong. But I no longer do. Instead, I take their comments with a grain of salt and consider that it’s probably them who are wrong. Although it takes time, often I’ll research their argument and find that they are.

Applying the 4% Rule. We are selling!

A year ago, I published a blog post titled “We Sold Some Investments: Putting our version of the 4% Rule to the test!” To cut to the chase, we’ve done it again. Having read about The 4% Rule for years and met many people who had retired early and were using it, back in 2023, we decided that we were not yet ready to retire, but pulling some income off our investments would improve our lives at that time. Finding more available cash without working more hours would allow us to do more of the things we wanted to do. 

Part 6: INVESTING - Financial Independence Series

Congratulations, you have made it to the final blog post in this series of six: INVESTING. Investing can be incredibly complex, but I found a way to simplify it. I used to feel overwhelmed by the options available, but now I don't. I’m hoping to help you feel the same way. But still, this is one of the most challenging blog posts I have EVER written. Condensing “investing” into a single document is no easy feat. The Happy Saver was born out of my search for information about what I could invest our money in. It took me years to arrive at our current strategy, which combines KiwiSaver and ETF investments. Ultimately, I finally found THE perfect information, which I want to share today.