All tagged COVID-19

2020 MONEY WINS from fellow Happy Savers!

I recently asked subscribers of my blog to share their money wins for 2020 so you could get some insight into what fellow Kiwis did on a personal level to navigate 2020. It has been particularly awesome to hear from people during 2020 who had sorted themselves out financially either before, during or after Covid-19 came along and they are each now looking to the future feeling empowered and in control.

“Don’t look for the needle - buy the haystack”

There has been a sudden interest in the share market and it has me worried. I am noticing that there is a cohort of investors frantically rushing to invest in shares to “make the most” of this current crisis. I, on the other hand, have resisted all instincts to DO SOMETHING, to rush around and find those one or two companies that are at what I believe to be rock bottom prices so I can buy low and sell high. Instead, I have calmly followed the advice of John C. Bogle when he said: “Don’t look for the needle - buy the haystack”. That’s what I’m doing, I’m just buying the entire market.

My Lockdown Diary

I thought I’d keep a diary for this week, so you can see what we are doing to prepare for the months ahead in this rapidly evolving situation. Take from it what you will and discard the rest. But first and foremost when it comes to money at a time like this, whether your job is secure or you have just lost it, the absolute key thing to keep in mind is to: Always spend less than you earn

The COVID-19 Emergency Budget Meeting

If there was ever any doubt about what an emergency might look like, well this is it, folks! I hope that each and every one of you is coping well and today I wanted to let you know what Jonny and I are doing, in the hope that you might gain a few pointers about what to do with whatever situation you may find yourselves in.

PocketSmith Q+A

In February 2020 I went to Dunedin to spend the day with the PocketSmith team. I asked my audience if there were any specific questions they had about using the PocketSmith budgeting software and I put those questions directly to the support team in the office. PocketSmith has answered all of your questions and I’m the first to admit that I’ve learned a thing or two by reading them.

The share market is doing what it does, so JUST CHILL!

I’ve had a “conscious uncoupling” from worldwide events and am instead reflecting back on the basics of how Jonny and I operate to make sure we are steering our waka in roughly the right direction during these rough waters. This is the first more serious market dip I’ve been through but I’ve read enough and learned enough from those who have gone before to know that the right thing to do is just hold my course and hold my nerve.