How much debt have you paid off?: $6,000.
What was it for?: Car and consumer debt on a credit card.
From deciding to become debt free to making the last payment, how long did it take you?: 14 months.
What age did you take on your first debt, and how old are you now?: 26 and I'm now 36.
Did you do it alone or as a family?: Alone.
Did you pay off debt from your regular income, take on extra work, or change jobs to speed it up?: Paid off with regular income.
Did you sell anything or receive cash gifts to contribute towards your debt payoff?: No.
What people, books, websites, podcasts, budgeting tools, debt trackers and resources helped you?: Dave Ramsey podcasts.
Did you keep an emergency fund while you paid off debt? If so, how much?: No.
Did you have any setbacks along the way, and how did you overcome them?: No.
What tips/hacks could you share?: Changed to a 12-month interest-free credit card and kept lowering the limit when I paid it off.
Was there a structure to your debt payoff? i.e. paying smallest to largest, or highest interest rate to lowest?: Was all on one credit card, so no.
How did you stay motivated, and what was the most challenging part of paying off your debt?: I was buying a house so the motivation was to pay off the credit card and then cancel it all together so that, with no debt, I would be an attractive borrower to the bank.
How did you celebrate making your final payment?: Don't know. I've bought a house, so that was a good reward!
Was getting out of debt worth it, and what have you learned about yourself?: Never buy a car on credit. I can pay off debt if I set my mind to it.
Will you ever go back into debt again?: No