All in Personal Finance

The COVID-19 Emergency Budget Meeting

If there was ever any doubt about what an emergency might look like, well this is it, folks! I hope that each and every one of you is coping well and today I wanted to let you know what Jonny and I are doing, in the hope that you might gain a few pointers about what to do with whatever situation you may find yourselves in.

PocketSmith Q+A

In February 2020 I went to Dunedin to spend the day with the PocketSmith team. I asked my audience if there were any specific questions they had about using the PocketSmith budgeting software and I put those questions directly to the support team in the office. PocketSmith has answered all of your questions and I’m the first to admit that I’ve learned a thing or two by reading them.

The share market is doing what it does, so JUST CHILL!

I’ve had a “conscious uncoupling” from worldwide events and am instead reflecting back on the basics of how Jonny and I operate to make sure we are steering our waka in roughly the right direction during these rough waters. This is the first more serious market dip I’ve been through but I’ve read enough and learned enough from those who have gone before to know that the right thing to do is just hold my course and hold my nerve.

Applying The Barefoot Investor in NZ - UPDATE

I originally wrote this blog post back in December 2018 and I’ve decided it was time to make a few updates to it so that all those people reading the book for the first time and those who are following along with the Barefoot Investor principles have a good New Zealand resource to come to. If you have read my original post, while it’s still relevant, this one is quite different because it takes into account different providers of services, so I encourage you to read this one too!

Finally, I'm a net worth millionaire!

I’ve waited a long time to fill out my own Net Worth Millionaire Questionnaire! YES, our net worth has finally ticked over from 6 numbers to 7 and it’s fair to say I’m delighted. But what is the purpose of me and other people sharing this information? It’s so that you can apply it to your own situation and see the variety of ways that other Kiwi’s have created wealth for themselves and know that it is possible for you as well.

New Year. New Budget!

As 2019 drew to a close one of the things I was looking forward to was the fact I get to start a whole new BUDGET for 2020! I’m telling you this in my first blog post of the decade because I’m convinced that tracking income and expenses are a major reason why and how people take control of their money.

What do people email me about?

Each week I get a lot of emails and it takes up a lot of time, but it’s an honour to answer each of them. People just want someone to ask a money question to but in their day to day lives it’s a complete lottery as to whether they can find the right person in their friend group to talk to, so they write to me instead. So, I just wanted to share with you an edited version of an email exchange I’ve been having with someone over the last few months which will give you an insight into what kind of stuff comes up when I chat to people.