For me an emergency fund is a lump of cash that sits in my bank account at the ready, poised for action, poised to save my butt from impending failure and doom, that can be readily accessed at a moments notice.
All in Personal Finance
For me an emergency fund is a lump of cash that sits in my bank account at the ready, poised for action, poised to save my butt from impending failure and doom, that can be readily accessed at a moments notice.
Being better with your dosh is all about education. You can sit down with your bank and they will educate you, that’s a surety, but is it the type of education you should be seeking out? So, this week I wanted to share with you a book I’ve been reading from a writer I have followed for a while.
There are always endless opportunities that call for our time, energy, creativity and money and I’m looking forward to locking in a strategy to deal with these which I know is going to give us some FOCUS in 2018.
Don't waste your hard earned dollars on crap presents. Put the credit card away and just go and spend time and be present with your friends and family instead.
Many people have requested a look at the spreadsheet that I use, so I have finally created one to share with you and from this you can go ahead and create your own.
I spend a lot of time at my computer and my “household spreadsheet” is often open and it was while I was looking at this that I thought perhaps it was timely that I have a bit of a financial spring clean.
I have been banging on to my sister for years about living within her means and one day the penny finally dropped. In this guest blog post she shares her story. Take it away Lizzy...
The endorsement that the people of Dunedin and New Zealand gave a Dunedin chocolate maker this week shows that our interest in a company goes far deeper than simply mixing cacao and milk together.
I had a chat with a retired couple recently and I was torn between being polite and not too nosey and outright wanting to ask them every nitty gritty detail about their lives. I settled on the middle ground but found myself left wanting.