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Investing Is Not Black and White

It’s standard for me to get at least one blunt email saying I’m wrong about a financial decision or purchase I’ve made on behalf of my whānau. Generally, the reasoning given will be based on one aspect, often a technical math issue, ignoring all the other points I mentioned. I used to panic that they might be right and that I might have this money stuff entirely and utterly wrong. But I no longer do. Instead, I take their comments with a grain of salt and consider that it’s probably them who are wrong. Although it takes time, often I’ll research their argument and find that they are.

Budgeting for the first time?

Budgeting for the first time? Then, please let me make it as painless as possible! I regularly speak with people who are, for the first time, looking at their money correctly. Like, I mean, actually looking hard at each transaction, which is what you need to do to understand where your money is coming from and going to. For many, we get by; earning, spending, and not taking too much notice. But this “head in the sand” attitude to money will only get you so far and will keep you living week to week or month to month.