All tagged Accountant

Why I Switched My Accounting to Hnry

Finally, in early 2024, I’d had enough of my now-nowhere-near-good-enough accounting systems, so I switched to Hnry to run The Happy Saver accounts. To put it bluntly, I was gobsmacked at the ease of it all. I’m so pleased I’ve eliminated the complexity from my blog's ‘business’ side so I can get back to doing what I enjoy: helping people.

The blog post I never wanted to write: TAX

With so many new investment platforms coming on stream in the last couple of years, it has never been easier to buy a stake in a company via either an index fund or by buying individual shares. It is awesome how accessible investing has become. But in this effort to uncomplicate becoming an investor a lot of these newer investment platforms have inadvertently put investing through the complicator when it comes to tax time, because many of you are unsure about how to handle investments in regards to tax. So this blog post is going to focus on how I go about things at tax time.