When I think of Mandy, the word that keeps coming to my mind is ‘determined’. She was living the good life right up until she wasn’t. How could she find her feet again? With determination, that’s how.
All in Money Journey
When I think of Mandy, the word that keeps coming to my mind is ‘determined’. She was living the good life right up until she wasn’t. How could she find her feet again? With determination, that’s how.
Jo is a busy Mum of a two year old, they had just returned from an overseas trip and she is juggling parenting with a 30 hour work week, while her partner is working as well. She was encouraged into buying property at a young age but is now discovering new ways to invest outside of what she knows, housing.
Tracy was on a debt repayment marathon, trying to pay down $94,278 of consumer debt. When we spoke she was down to $10,471.11 of debt and the sprint to the finish line was on! She is one determined and focussed lady.
Dale and Dean were ambling along just fine until Dean realised that soon he would be 50 and he became determined that he wanted to be debt free before his birthday.
Farrel and Chihiro are a great example of how to get two people with completely opposite money personalities on the same page. One was a spender and one was a saver and it would have remained that way unless an ultimatum was given: Either shape up or ship out!
I get a lump in my throat when I think about Tracey, her family and the journey they have been on together. Back in 1996, she had no money, she had less than no money actually, she was in debt.
Ryan started trading stocks at just 16. Now 23 he has won and lost more than most his age, but is now settling into his investing journey and was happy to share with you and I what he learned.
Arataki is a woman who focuses on the collective and not on the individual and as she has moved through life she used some difficult experiences to not hold her back, but to drive her forward.
Lucas had reached a bit of a cross roads. He appeared to have what seems to be the Kiwi dream, a house and a rental property. Will Lucas stay on the treadmill that is the New Zealand housing market or will he step off?
Sandra and Paul have both saved up, whittled down their lives to an 11kg backpack each, quit their jobs and transitioned into a new life of travel, adventure and a location-independent lifestyle.
What you pay attention to gets done and Kate worked this out from an early age. There is little that will keep her from achieving her goals.
Tom’s story gives a fascinating look at the rocky ride of a share investor, a life well lived and a net worth that reflects that it all worked out OK in the end.
Alison and Tom are parents to four children under the age of four. With a house build on the cards, a tight budget and a single income, we hear how this family of six manage to not just survive but thrive.