All in Sharesight

Help! I’m freaking out, how do I sell?

From time to time I get emails along the lines of: Oh crikey, I think I should sell! Due to the ease with which we can now invest there are many people who are investing for the first time in their lives. They are learning how to buy, what to buy, what they like, what they don’t like. It used to be hard to invest, but that’s all changed now with the likes of SHARESIES and HATCH, the signup process is so rapid that you are signed up and have started investing before you can really comprehend what you are doing.

Meridian Energy just paid me $684!

I had a nice surprise on the 16th of October. I logged onto PocketSmith and saw that my bank account had an additional $684 in there. When people talk about “passive income” this is what it actually looks like. Money, deposited in my account, without me having to actually do anything except investing in a company and trusting that they will work hard on my behalf.

Sharesies: Detour Ahead

Sharesies has lowered the barriers to entry for those wanting to enter the share market and they set about serving a previously underserved demographic. Sharesies has helped people see that becoming a share investor is another viable way to grow your wealth in New Zealand. They are now giving you the chance to buy shares in individual companies and spend as little or as much as you like.

Applying The Barefoot Investor in NZ

The Barefoot Investor by Australian Scott Pape is an excellent book and it has been instrumental in changing the financial direction of not just Australians but also of Kiwis. Many people have asked me to work out what the Kiwi equivalents are of the providers he recommends. I’m not saying this is a conclusive list, but I’ve given it my best shot.