All in Saving

How to avoid a student loan. Start saving today!

A few weekends ago a young guy was scanning my groceries and he was chatting away about his final exam and his finish date. When I asked him what he had planned for the summer, he said he will be working for about 35 hours a week. Although I was desperate to ask him the finer details of his financial life, I didn’t want to freak this young guy out so I kept my questions to myself. But my absolute main one was “what is a 16-year-old proposing to do with all the money they will make this summer?

How I avoid the holiday hangover.

There are no two ways about it. Overseas travel ain’t cheap. It’s awesome. But it sure ain’t cheap. We said to ourselves that 2019 would be a ‘stay at home’ year because we have bills coming up, there is not enough in our travel fund and we can’t afford a trip this year. But how have we managed to do it, despite saying we couldn’t afford it this year?

When is the right time to get your child an Eftpos card?

Those of you who have read my blog for a long time have been on a journey with me as I teach my daughter, now 11 years old, about how money works. Like every parent, I’m just making it up as I go along and I’m slowly working on her education around how money and life interact. So far, I’m pleased with how things are going and the time has come for her very first bank account.

Saving Money on My Car Insurance

A few weeks ago I blogged about how much our cars ACTUALLY cost to run. Several people got in touch (thank you) and to cut straight to the point they said “you are being screwed over Ruth, you should take a look around for a new insurer”. So I did…

Exercise ON A BUDGET

What is the first thing that you give up when life starts to get busy? For me it is exercise. The next thing I tend to give up is often saving because if I’m flat out I look for the fastest way to do something and generally you pay a premium for that.