All in Retirement

What does ‘locking in your losses’ mean?

In mid-March, I happened to have RNZ on in the background when one of their guests mentioned that they got such a fright at the drop in their KiwiSaver balance that they immediately switched from a Growth fund into a Conservative fund in an effort to stop themselves losing money. I remember stopping what I was doing and smacking myself on the head in a Homer Simpson ‘DUH’ moment and saying out loud to myself “Noooo. What did she do that for? And why did she have to say it on the radio where other people might think it’s a good idea to do the same?”

Why save, plot and plan for my financial future?

There has been quite an increase in questions over the last couple of weeks, which is not at all surprising given how much uncertainty is out there. And this week, having answered so many emails, plus I was finishing writing and recording my final podcast episode of this series, I’ve not quite gotten around to a new blog post. So this week I’ve decided to republish a post I wrote back in 2017 because I feel that it’s still very relevant today.

Applying The Barefoot Investor in NZ - UPDATE

I originally wrote this blog post back in December 2018 and I’ve decided it was time to make a few updates to it so that all those people reading the book for the first time and those who are following along with the Barefoot Investor principles have a good New Zealand resource to come to. If you have read my original post, while it’s still relevant, this one is quite different because it takes into account different providers of services, so I encourage you to read this one too!

NO, I don’t want a rental property thank you.

Have you noticed that I never really talk much about real estate? Except to say that I own the house I live in and I have never really gone too far down the path of writing about property as an investment. With the equity that we have in our house, the ‘obvious’ thing to many Kiwis would be to borrow against it and buy more property that I then rent out to other people. For many this has been a way to successfully grow their wealth. To many, it has not.

Applying The Barefoot Investor in NZ

The Barefoot Investor by Australian Scott Pape is an excellent book and it has been instrumental in changing the financial direction of not just Australians but also of Kiwis. Many people have asked me to work out what the Kiwi equivalents are of the providers he recommends. I’m not saying this is a conclusive list, but I’ve given it my best shot.

Taking a Mini-Retirement

I met Pete when he dropped me an email telling me he had found my podcast and “burned through both seasons”. Pete and his family have plenty of time to do this because they have currently taken a year away from New Zealand to hang out in Vietnam. In this guest blog post, Pete explains it’s extremely doable and incredibly worthwhile. Take it away Pete…