All in Personal Finance

How to avoid a student loan. Start saving today!

A few weekends ago a young guy was scanning my groceries and he was chatting away about his final exam and his finish date. When I asked him what he had planned for the summer, he said he will be working for about 35 hours a week. Although I was desperate to ask him the finer details of his financial life, I didn’t want to freak this young guy out so I kept my questions to myself. But my absolute main one was “what is a 16-year-old proposing to do with all the money they will make this summer?


Way back in February 2019 I created an account with Hatch, they were a very new startup at that time and many people had sent me emails asking me to look into them. They have created a simple and intuitive platform that has cut out a lot of the jargon and brokerage fees and made it pretty straight forward for you and I to invest in the biggest companies in the world.

Money Routines, Methods, Habits, Rules and Obsessions to Live By

A lot of people get in touch with me asking how to get started and how to stay consistent with money. Because that’s the thing, you can start with a hiss and a roar but lose momentum and stop and that is a bit of a disaster for your money. So you want to create good, long-lasting routines and habits that set you up financially, which become so ingrained they are automatic.

Meridian Energy just paid me $684!

I had a nice surprise on the 16th of October. I logged onto PocketSmith and saw that my bank account had an additional $684 in there. When people talk about “passive income” this is what it actually looks like. Money, deposited in my account, without me having to actually do anything except investing in a company and trusting that they will work hard on my behalf.

Book Review: The Total Money Makeover

It was inevitable that one day I would write a blog post about Dave Ramsey, but it has taken me over three years to get around to it. This month I finally read his book The Total Money Makeover. He created a simple plan which he called The 7 Baby Steps to help others change the behaviours that were keeping them poor and to help them get out of debt and stay out of debt, forever.

My PocketSmith analysis: We buy a lot of eggs!

So far, in 2019, we have spent exactly $240 on eggs. We buy them from a woman who lives up the road who has chickens (obviously) and every Monday she drops them (or places them gently) in my mailbox, then I jump online and pay her $5 a dozen. That means we have eaten 48 dozen or 576 eggs this year to date. The moral of the story? PocketSmith can give you some detailed figures IF that is what you are looking for.