All in Money Education

What is a Sinking Fund?

I realised recently that I rattle off financial terms, assuming that people know what they are. And that annoyed me a bit, because the reason I started blogging was to demystify financial jargon and yet, here I was, rattling off a bit of jargon! One of these terms is ‘sinking fund’. Today I thought I would quickly explain what a sinking fund is and why I use them myself.

Why save, plot and plan for my financial future?

There has been quite an increase in questions over the last couple of weeks, which is not at all surprising given how much uncertainty is out there. And this week, having answered so many emails, plus I was finishing writing and recording my final podcast episode of this series, I’ve not quite gotten around to a new blog post. So this week I’ve decided to republish a post I wrote back in 2017 because I feel that it’s still very relevant today.

DIY Financial Education for my Daughter

From time to time I take an hour to google personal finance-related media that is close to home here in New Zealand. It’s not exactly plentiful and it all too often revolves around my least favourite topic of housing or the proliferation of easy credit and how as a country we think it’s a good idea to educate our children about money, but then fail to do so. On this last topic, I’m all for educating our kids, but when I read on, we always seem to focus on the “why we should” yet lack the “how we should”. It always leaves me wondering about the financial education of my own child.

New Year. New Budget!

As 2019 drew to a close one of the things I was looking forward to was the fact I get to start a whole new BUDGET for 2020! I’m telling you this in my first blog post of the decade because I’m convinced that tracking income and expenses are a major reason why and how people take control of their money.

What do people email me about?

Each week I get a lot of emails and it takes up a lot of time, but it’s an honour to answer each of them. People just want someone to ask a money question to but in their day to day lives it’s a complete lottery as to whether they can find the right person in their friend group to talk to, so they write to me instead. So, I just wanted to share with you an edited version of an email exchange I’ve been having with someone over the last few months which will give you an insight into what kind of stuff comes up when I chat to people.

How to avoid a student loan. Start saving today!

A few weekends ago a young guy was scanning my groceries and he was chatting away about his final exam and his finish date. When I asked him what he had planned for the summer, he said he will be working for about 35 hours a week. Although I was desperate to ask him the finer details of his financial life, I didn’t want to freak this young guy out so I kept my questions to myself. But my absolute main one was “what is a 16-year-old proposing to do with all the money they will make this summer?

Book Review: The Total Money Makeover

It was inevitable that one day I would write a blog post about Dave Ramsey, but it has taken me over three years to get around to it. This month I finally read his book The Total Money Makeover. He created a simple plan which he called The 7 Baby Steps to help others change the behaviours that were keeping them poor and to help them get out of debt and stay out of debt, forever.