My copy of Tales from a Financial Hot Mess has ended up a right hot mess. I read it in fits and starts over a month and each time something took my interest I placed a sticky note to mark the page and as it turned out, quite a bit took my interest.
All in Investment
My copy of Tales from a Financial Hot Mess has ended up a right hot mess. I read it in fits and starts over a month and each time something took my interest I placed a sticky note to mark the page and as it turned out, quite a bit took my interest.
From time to time I get emails along the lines of: Oh crikey, I think I should sell! Due to the ease with which we can now invest there are many people who are investing for the first time in their lives. They are learning how to buy, what to buy, what they like, what they don’t like. It used to be hard to invest, but that’s all changed now with the likes of SHARESIES and HATCH, the signup process is so rapid that you are signed up and have started investing before you can really comprehend what you are doing.
I’ve had my millionaire questionnaire available since July and I thought I’d look at a couple of the questions in particular and see if there are any common threads that we can draw on and I’ve read through each response and gleaned the following advice for you.
Have you noticed that I never really talk much about real estate? Except to say that I own the house I live in and I have never really gone too far down the path of writing about property as an investment. With the equity that we have in our house, the ‘obvious’ thing to many Kiwis would be to borrow against it and buy more property that I then rent out to other people. For many this has been a way to successfully grow their wealth. To many, it has not.
Lynn has been thinking many years ahead to her retirement and was wanting to know how to start to sell down her SuperLife funds. It’s a good question to ask because there is always a lot of content on a website about how and what to purchase, but finding how to divest yourself of your funds over time is a little harder to come by.
When I receive questions from time to time asking about student loans and whether I think it’s worth taking one on to invest the loan amount and make money out of taking on debt, you better believe, I’m interested in finding out more!
I might be unusual in the fact that I couldn’t wait for this book to arrive. Who else do you know that is excited about reading a book that would fall into the ‘personal finance’ section of the bookstore? But this book had been touted as a best seller, before it even went on sale, offering an inside view into the way “ordinary people built extraordinary wealth” and how I could do it too. And I wanted to know how to do that!
Every week I receive one or two emails specifically asking about how to help children invest and there are often comments on various social media about whether you even should help your kids and if you do, whether you should tell them about it. Over the years we’ve evolved an investment methodology for our daughter that appears to be working so I thought I would share with you what we do in our own whare and that might give you some tips for what you can do in your own household.
Borrowing money to buy shares is something that I don’t hear about that often and I have only really come across a small handful of examples of it in the last couple of years of blogging. Whereas we borrow vast sums of money all day long to get into the housing market, without the word ‘risk’ ever really being used, when we borrow money to buy into securities our first instincts are concern and fear.